Thursday, May 8, 2008

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life

WOW! It is going to take me a long time to sort out all the thoughts I have about this book, but I will say that it is a MUST read for everyone who cares about what they are choosing to put into their own bodies and their family's bodies and who cares about what we are doing to our planet. It is written in a lively, witty style that makes you feel as though you're receiving letters from a family friend about their garden. The segments written by her husband are a little more "technical" and a bit more in your face with facts and figures about what is going on in commercial food production. The segments written by her eldest daughter were a delight to read and gave me the hope that it's not too late (or too early) to try to make Bean aware of how everything we do and eat affects our planet in one way or another. I'm off to put more books about Simple Food and Slow Food in my Amazon wish list.

Highly, HIGHLY recommended: 6 out of 5!!

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