Thursday, April 15, 2010

What I'm reading now

I've actually got three books going right now.

First, for my 12 grade English class, I'm re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring. It's fun exploring this book with them. Some have read it before, but I actually have one student who has never even seen the movie!! She's in for a real treat once she finishes the book!

For myself, I'm reading A Walk in the Woods. It's a memoir of an out-of-shape guy who had just moved back to the US after living abroad for 20 years and he decided to reconnect with America by thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. I'm about 150 pages into it and have both laughed out loud and exclaimed in disgust. I love it!

I'm also reading The New Rules of Lifting for Women. I have to admit that it was the subtitle of this book that caught my eye "Lift like a man, Look like a goddess". Who wouldn't want that?? I'll post a full review of this one on my fitness blog, Fit 4 a Lifetime, once I finish it.

What are y'all reading now?

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